"I thought feminism meant women were strong" is rarely the full argument. The full argument is: "I thought feminism meant women were strong, so why are you complaining if you're so strong?" The implication here isn't just that women should have to be strong to survive, but that strength consists of shutting up and taking it. That the strongest thing to do is to keep your head down and grind away at whatever task is set before you, silently stronging your way though every obstacle, for your entire life.
Sometimes the strongest thing you can do is complain.
Living every day with being the "girl" of the office and having your ass grabbed and everyone laughing about how funny it is that your ass gets grabbed--no, that's not easy. But speaking up about it is even harder. It's taking initiative. It's taking a risk. It's facing pushback, retaliation, skepticism, red-tape brush-offs, ostracism, the shit you get for being female compounded with the shit you get for being a troublemaker. Complaining about how you're treated as a woman is anything but the coward's way out. There have been times I should have done it but wasn't strong enough.
(Oh, and you also have to face people saying "guess you're not such a strong woman after all, huh?" Forgot to put that one on the list.)
Sometimes the strongest thing you can do is complain.
Living every day with being the "girl" of the office and having your ass grabbed and everyone laughing about how funny it is that your ass gets grabbed--no, that's not easy. But speaking up about it is even harder. It's taking initiative. It's taking a risk. It's facing pushback, retaliation, skepticism, red-tape brush-offs, ostracism, the shit you get for being female compounded with the shit you get for being a troublemaker. Complaining about how you're treated as a woman is anything but the coward's way out. There have been times I should have done it but wasn't strong enough.
(Oh, and you also have to face people saying "guess you're not such a strong woman after all, huh?" Forgot to put that one on the list.)