Очень рекомендую офигительный проект Who needs feminism?
Помогает освежить в памяти все возможные ответы на фразу "Феминизм - это пройденный этап".
Некоторые посты оттуда:
1. I need feminism because the things I say should not be deemed ‘over-reacting’ and ignored, only to then be agreed with and praised when my cis-male partner or friends repeat them word-for-word.
2. I need feminism because… I shouldn’t have to think “wow!” when I find a guy who’s actually respectful and down to earth.
3. I need feminism because today 150 girls were poisoned in Afghanistan for daring to go to school.
4. I need feminism because when I cuddle up to my girlfriend’s chest during the night she shouldn’t have to say, think or question whether “this should be the other way around.”
5. I need feminism because I shouldn’t have to be (pleasantly) surprised to discover that a woman wrote the article I was searching for in a scientific journal.
6. I need feminism because the three most reblogged posts on whoneedsfeminism are of men - including the very post pointing out that men get more credit for being feminist than women do.
7. I need feminism because my daughter is currently what research tells us is her at the height of life’s self-esteem. At 9 years old.
Who needs feminism?
| пятница, 20 апреля 2012