Моя гендерквирность другая. Но иногда - такая.

(с) bucketsaurusrex

Yes, I do love to wear bowties.
Yes, I love how pretty dresses make me feel.
Yes, my boxers have batman symbols on them.
No, I don’t try to look like a man.
No, I don’t try to look like a woman.
So you’re trying to figure out “what” I am?
I’ll tell you .
But, you won’t understand.
Yes, I love bows in my hair,
and dirt on my clothes from a fun day.
Yes, I cut my hair short,
No, it won’t stay this short forever.
I love my eyeliner thick, and my hair close.
Yes, I kind of like my mustache, but I’m not going anywhere without threaded eyebrows.
I want my hair Barbie Pink, and my leg hair the equivalent.
In my room, are toy dinosaurs and baby dolls.
Miniture footballs and pom poms.
My childhood not only echos, but
reflects today’s sound.
I have to have a snapback and a short skirt lying around.
And is it too difficult to have stelletos that match my bowties?
So, I hope I’ve clarified everything for you.
I didn’t?
Well,should I put on a cutesy apron when I use the saudering gun?
And make sure my eyes are curled with mascara under my safety goggles?
What do you consider “normal”?
Don’t judge me because my heel straps around my ankles flip flop while the tie around my neck is semetrical.
And sometimes I’d much rather have cherry lip gloss insted of cheap chapstick.
Or trade in seas of mud for electric blue nail polish.
Are you listening?
I’ll take my coffee dark while sitting at barstools
and my tea decaf while laying in bed.
I’ll try my hardest not to burn the water.
I’m not sure what you’re asking now.
You wanted to know “what” I am.
You make the decision .
I identify with icecream.