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Transformative Works and Cultures посвящен фанатскому активизму. Это тема is very dear to my heart, потому вся моя социальная осознанность росла и поддерживалась метафэндомными обсуждениями.
Интересное с цитатами и без:
Колонка редакторов выпуска - Henry Jenkins и Sangita Shresthova.
2. Steven Duncombe,
"Imagining No-Place"Scratch an activist and you're apt to find a fan. It's no mystery why: fandom provides a space to explore fabricated worlds that operate according to different norms, laws, and structures than those we experience in our "real" lives. Fandom also necessitates relationships with others: fellow fans with whom to share interests, develop networks and institutions, and create a common culture. This ability to imagine alternatives and build community, not coincidentally, is a basic prerequisite for political activism.Звездные войны, К-поп, Wonder Woman3. Jonathan Gray, "Of snowspeeders and Imperial Walkers: Fannish play at the Wisconsin protests"
The young man's creative use of an iPad was impressive, but his act of seeing the events of the week through popular culture glasses was by no means unique. "Imperial Walker" references became commonplace, with two protesters even dressing up as an AT-AT. Other Star Wars protest signs saw Admiral Akbar warning "It's a Trap!", depicted Han Solo worrying, "I've got a bad feeling about this", and pleaded to the governor that "There's still good in you (Sky)Walker." Shifting franchises to The Lord of the Rings, several posters invoked Gandalf's enraged words to the Balrog, saying "This bill shall not pass!"
4. Tanya R. Cochran, "Past the brink of tacit support": Fan activism and the Whedonverses"
Я даже не знаю, что цитировать, потому что хочется процитировать всю статью целиком.
5. Sun Jung, "Fan activism, cybervigilantism, and Othering mechanisms in K-pop fandom"
Exactly what is says on tin.
6. Matt Yockey, "Wonder Woman for a day: Affect, agency, and Amazons"
The inherent instability of Wonder Woman, crystallized by her costume changes and mutable relationship to Marston's concept, indicates not only her function as a commodity that is constantly altered to renew market interest, but her availability for fan appropriation for social critique.
Warning: Еще автор на полном серьезе и в позитивном кле употребляет фразы "loving submission" и "matriarchal authority".