Жизнь женщины в русской деревне конца XIX века

The Legitimate Children of Rape

‘10 Honest Thoughts On Being Loved By A Skinny Boy’ - Rachel Wiley.

Iconic kissing sailor photo depicts sexual assault, not romance

A closer look at the pay gap, in charts
Даже белая женщина в США получает меньше, чем латиноамериканский, афроамериканский, азиатский и, тем более, белый мужчина.

What Makes a Body Obscene?
The model is a man named Andrej Pejic, with hair and make-up usually seen only on women, sliding his shirt off his back. Some might say that he is gender-ambiguous and the image deliberately blurs gender; are we seeing a chest or small breasts? It is not immediately apparent.

Both Barnes & Noble and Borders “bagged” the magazine, like they do pornographic ones, such that one can see the title of the magazine but the rest of the cover is hidden.

China’s ‘Leftover’ Women
In 2007, the Women’s Federation defined “leftover” women (sheng nu ) as unmarried women over the age of 27 and China’s Ministry of Education added the term to its official lexicon. Since then, the Women’s Federation Web site has run articles stigmatizing educated women who are still single.

Laying Some History On You: Maya Lin and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial
Instead, she won the competition, and when her identity was revealed, there was outrage. People were infuriated that a Chinese-American woman had been selected to design the memorial and they made their anger crystal clear. Racist sentiments whipped around Lin and her design; she was at one point called an ‘egg roll’ and was forced to go to Congress to defend the design, and herself, from criticism.

Schrödinger’s Rapist: or a guy’s guide to approaching strange women without being mace
Is preventing violent assault or murder part of your daily routine, rather than merely something you do when you venture into war zones? Because, for women, it is. When I go on a date, I always leave the man’s full name and contact information written next to my computer monitor. This is so the cops can find my body if I go missing.

Why I Won’t Be Walking in the Anti-Rape March
This last point is especially critical. It bears repeating: When a woman says “No,” we need to listen!

Last year, here in genteel Maritime Canada, I saw two men who, despite being told that men were not invited to march, decided to go ahead and march anyway. They followed a little bit behind the women, repeating the chants the women were singing out. I would like to address these last remarks to those two men:

You wanted to do something. A woman said “No.” You went ahead and did it anyway.

That is an accurate description of what you did.

Can you please tell me how that is any different from: He wanted to do something. A woman said ”No.” He went ahead and did it anyway.

Because that scene is an accurate description of a rape.