Тумблер The Hawkeye Initiative: просто добавь Хоукая, чтобы понять, насколько абсурдны позы женских персонажей в комиксах.
О косплее и "злобных ненастоящих косплеершах":
# Why, Tony Harris?
...you’re right. They might NOT give them the time of day outside the con. And my response is…SO?! (see my comment above about men feeling they are owed female attention)
# An Open Letter to Tony “Effing” Harris: Cosplay Misconceptions and Misogyny
First off, leave it to Cisgendered, heterosexual, white men to believe that women are “preying” upon them, or people who are less than you, ya know the Nerds at a convention, or as I like to call them your customers. Furthermore I also have to say I love the use of “you are more pathetic than the REAL Nerds” because what this says is not only insulting to women it’s insulting to your male audience… Unless you are so cocky as to believe that your audience are the obsessive comic book type, but you know, only the cool ones.
# Fear of Vulnerability and Geek Misogyny
I think a lot of these men really do think they’re oppressed. In a way, they are. They are oppressed by bullshit masculinity standards that assert that a man’s dignity is tied to never feeling vulnerable, especially around women. The problem is that these guys buy into that standard, and thus believe
that they are oppressed by women. Women are to blame! Women are the ones who make you feel vulnerable! They must be doing it on purpose! They are out to get you. They want to trick you into desiring them so they can steal your manhood!