Мы только что посмотрели White House Down. Это два часа восторга. Спасибо Св за рек.

Избранные цитаты из отзывов на тамблере (больше здесь):

- all the bad guys are white supremacists and skeevy industrialists trying to thwart the President’s otherwise perfectly feasible plan to achieve world peace
- not a single solitary whiff of the ol’ racially stereotyped terrorist anywhere, amazing what you can do when you try
- Channing Tatum’s introduction in this movie consists entirely of a scene where he’s having an extended argument with a squirrel named Clyde
- Jamie Foxx stabbing [redacted for spoilers] with a pen right after a ‘pen is mightier than the sword’ reference
- and can we talk about Donnie the Tour Guide and his love of priceless antiquities “STOP HURTING MY WHITE HOUSE” I legit loved that dude (Примечание Касэм: "Настольные часы, Германия, ампир"!)
- I especially love how John Cale is aware of the trope he’s in, and has to decide whether he’s going to back out or roll with it. Ahhh, sh– That’s a library. *snerk*