В Criminal Minds слили Хотча(((
скандалы, интригиГибсон серьезно хочет идти в суд. Неофициально говорят, что во время съемок он пнул продюсера Виргила Уильямса. До того уже был случай в 2010, когда Гибсон толкнул второго режиссера Иена Вулфа, и тогда его заставили пройти anger management classes.
Ну и вообще, пишут, что у всех были с ним напряженные отношения (особенно с Шемаром Муром), потому что "The actor was said to have frequently been verbally abusive to fellow cast and crew members"(х)
Сам Гибсон сказал, что спор начался из-за сценария.
("We were shooting a scene late one night when I went to Virgil and told him there was a line that I thought contradicted an earlier line," Gibson told People. "He said, 'Sorry, it's necessary, and I absolutely have to have it."
The actor said he then returned to set, where he was venting to castmates when Williams entered the room, leading to the much-discussed kick.
"He came into that room and started coming towards me. As he brushed past me, my foot came up and tapped him on the leg," Gibson said. "If I hadn't moved, he would have run into me. We had some choice words, for which I apologized the next day, and that was it. It was over. We shot the scene, I went home - and I never got to go back."'" (х))
Анонимный источник говорит немного другое: "[Williams] got very aggressive, so Thomas walked away and then he felt like the guy was coming after him. He turned around and kicked just on instinct, like a reflex." (х)
По рунету ходит красивая байка о том, что Гибсон защищал Пейджет от сексистких комментариев