So, it's some naked boys. OK. But look at how they're standing, what they're doing, and you realize they aren't just two naked boys. The one on the left is Adam from the Sistine Chapel. The one on the right is David. Both are the reembodiment, refiguration of figures from Michaelangelo's oeuvre, important into a different visual universe and put into a different plot.
That is, this is a cross-over. This is Mulder and Frank Black collaborating on a case; this is Beverly Crusher visiting Deep Space 9; this is Addison Montgomery showing back up at Seattle Grace to fuck with Meredith's life. (Oh, wait, that last one's canon.) It's specifically an 'in-universe' crossover, between two figures by a single "author," but it's a cross-over none the less, and is designed to show us something new about the original texts by recontextualizing them.
That is, this is a cross-over. This is Mulder and Frank Black collaborating on a case; this is Beverly Crusher visiting Deep Space 9; this is Addison Montgomery showing back up at Seattle Grace to fuck with Meredith's life. (Oh, wait, that last one's canon.) It's specifically an 'in-universe' crossover, between two figures by a single "author," but it's a cross-over none the less, and is designed to show us something new about the original texts by recontextualizing them.
, as usualКстати(с). Оказывается, между интересом Дали к картине "Анжелюс" Милле и обнаружением "предмета-похожего-на-гробик-на-месте-корзинки-с-картофелем" существует причинно-следственная связь)) О, сколько нам открытий чудных.