В соответствии с клейнианской теорией, ребенок, пытаясь сохранить состояние сознания, которое Фрейд назвал «чистым эго принципа удовольствия», будет отщеплять плохие чувства и импульсы, которые доставляют ему беспокойство, дисидентифицироваться с ними в бессознательных фантазиях и реидентифицироваться с ними (в образах) в «объекте», который впоследствии становится измененным и трансформированным в соответствии с психикой ребенка – как третья форма.
Также: Сфинкс, Минотавр, Христос, Дьявол, вампиры и многие другие.(via halina)
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Richard M. Gottlieb - The European Vampire: Applied Psychoanalysis and Applied Legend.
Anne Rice made it clear that her own renewed interest in vampires followed upon the tragic death of her five-year-old daughter, Michelle, due to leukemia. <...>writing at night in a comer of the bedroom while her husband slept, Rice went back to an earlier story she had written, about an 18th-century vampire in New Orleans. Unaware, she says, of the significance of what she was doing, she added a beautiful little girl with golden curls (like Michelle), whom the vampires save from mortal
death by making her a vampire... The first version ended with the child, Claudia, and Louis happily joining the other vampires in Paris. In the revision, "I felt that Claudia had really been meant to die at the end of 'Interview' the way that Michelle had died," Rice explains.
Там же есть некоторые другие познавательные вещи.death by making her a vampire... The first version ended with the child, Claudia, and Louis happily joining the other vampires in Paris. In the revision, "I felt that Claudia had really been meant to die at the end of 'Interview' the way that Michelle had died," Rice explains.