Десятый номер журнала Transformative Works and Cultures посвящен фанатскому активизму. Это тема is very dear to my heart, потому вся моя социальная осознанность росла и поддерживалась метафэндомными обсуждениями.

Интересное с цитатами и без:

1. Колонка редакторов выпуска - Henry Jenkins и Sangita Shresthova.
2. Steven Duncombe, "Imagining No-Place"

Scratch an activist and you're apt to find a fan. It's no mystery why: fandom provides a space to explore fabricated worlds that operate according to different norms, laws, and structures than those we experience in our "real" lives. Fandom also necessitates relationships with others: fellow fans with whom to share interests, develop networks and institutions, and create a common culture. This ability to imagine alternatives and build community, not coincidentally, is a basic prerequisite for political activism.

Звездные войны, К-поп, Wonder Woman

@темы: ссылки, гендер, privilege, цитаты, околофэндомное, политика