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Cordelia, of highly progressive, scientific, sociologically and psychologically-minded Beta Colony, is rather calmly, quietly Christian. Her Christianity is only mentioned in passing by Miles a couple times...
ЩИТО? Как "верующая" так сразу христианка? Бу-бу-бу, your privilege is showing, anon.
Словил восторг. Забыл уже об этот моменте:
Grey and Gray Morality: While there are a few completely evil people to fight, most of the stories tend to fall in this category, with the protagonists displaying A Lighter Shade Of Gray. Lampshaded at the end of Brothers in Arms.
"At least this should be simpler than our late vacation on Earth," [Miles] said hopefully. "A purely military operation, no relatives, no politics, no high finance. Straight-up good guys and bad guys."
"Great," said Quinn. "Which are we?"
Miles was still thinking about the answer to that one when the fleet broke orbit.
Перечитываю "Осколки чести" и свунюсь со страшной силой по Корделии. Она невероятно прекрасна: боевая, умеет думать на лету, рассудительная, человечная.
Commodore Koudelka: You? I know you! You trust beyond reason!
Cordelia: Yes. It's how I get results beyond hope. As you may recall.
Я хочу быть как она, "когда вырасту".
Словил фейспалм:
Cordelia, of highly progressive, scientific, sociologically and psychologically-minded Beta Colony, is rather calmly, quietly Christian. Her Christianity is only mentioned in passing by Miles a couple times...
ЩИТО? Как "верующая" так сразу христианка? Бу-бу-бу, your privilege is showing, anon.
Словил восторг. Забыл уже об этот моменте:
Grey and Gray Morality: While there are a few completely evil people to fight, most of the stories tend to fall in this category, with the protagonists displaying A Lighter Shade Of Gray. Lampshaded at the end of Brothers in Arms.
"At least this should be simpler than our late vacation on Earth," [Miles] said hopefully. "A purely military operation, no relatives, no politics, no high finance. Straight-up good guys and bad guys."
"Great," said Quinn. "Which are we?"
Miles was still thinking about the answer to that one when the fleet broke orbit.
Перечитываю "Осколки чести" и свунюсь со страшной силой по Корделии. Она невероятно прекрасна: боевая, умеет думать на лету, рассудительная, человечная.
Commodore Koudelka: You? I know you! You trust beyond reason!
Cordelia: Yes. It's how I get results beyond hope. As you may recall.

Кажется, о христианстве Корделии Буджолд говорила в каком-то интервью. Но я могу напутать.
Cordelia, as I've said somewhere (not in the books), is some sort of Betan Presbyterian, a rather Unitarian-style but definitely Christian-descended religion, which would doubtless make old John Knox spin in his grave at max RPM, ululating in high pitch. (16 Jun 1997)