Они так молоды и талантливы, что им даже переночевать негде!
(с) из "Фиалки Монмартра"

Ещё в копилку поучительных историй, которые, надеюсь, помогут мне определиться: речь Аманды Палмер перед выпускниками одного из колледжей.

Пишет  Selina Kyle:
03.06.2011 в 00:22


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so i am going to tell you today about something that my friends and i call 'the fraud police'. the fraud police are this imaginary, terrifying force of experts and real grown-ups who don't exist and who come knocking on your door at 3am when you least expect it, saying "fraud police. we've been watching you and we have evidence that you have no idea what you are doing. and you stand accused of the crime of completely making shit up as you go along. you do not actually deserve your job and we're taking everything away. and we're telling everybody. " and people working in the arts, especially, have to combat the inner fraud police on a daily basis. and even if you are a very happy, healthy, confident person, the fear of the fraud police is ever lurking. and it really doesn't matter who you are. i have friends who are teachers and writers and psychologists and scientists and pretty much every profession under the sun. and everybody, every so-called adult i know, has had this feeling about their job and themselves at some level. and i don't mean to put all of the non-graduates and grown-ups on the spot, but graduates please look around at the adults. and adults please raise your hand if you've ever had the feeling that the fraud police are going to come and expose you for not actually being able to do your job. the other ones are lying.

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and eventually, i promise you, you will get to a point where the fraud police will come knocking. and you will open the door. and when they accuse you of being a fraud, you will honestly be able to say, "you're right. i still have no idea what i'm actually doing. i am making this shit up as i go along, but it is working out just fine. and also here in behind me is an incredible party with awesome people, a bumping sound system that we built ourselves out of salvaged parts, with a giant electronic glass bubble bath installation filled with escaped pandas and dancing girls that we found on craig's list, and you are not invited."
congratulations you guys.

have an amazing life.


После этой речи она запустила в твиттере флэшмоб - назывался он FuckPlanB, в котором люди рассказывали о том, как они бросили свой колледж/работу/что-то еще, которые у них были только потому, что так проще, и занялись тем, чем хотели бы заниматься всю жизнь.

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