воскресенье, 28 августа 2011
длинная цитата из Reconstructionism in Modern Heathenry: An Introduction
Even the concept of what “religion” is differs vastly between our current worldview and the worldview of the pre-Christian Germanic peoples. There is no indication or evidence that these people even had a sense of “religion”. The closest early terms translate to “custom”, “the way we commonly do things”, or “tradition”, and are in no way separated from the mundane world. They have left us no words which may imply “worshipfulness”, “prayful”, or “spiritual”. To consciously engage in an activity strictly as a spiritual exercise is only necessary in world rejecting religions. Christianity, Wicca, Buddhism and Islam are all modular, world rejecting religions and can be separated out from cultural tradition. They are “transcultural”. Christianity and Wicca are similar in that both can be added to a culture to produce a new variation centered around the same theme. Likewise, much of these religions sense of ‘spirituality’ is separable from culture. The sense of ‘spirituality’ found today often involves some form of meditation, quiet reflection, prayer, or a worshipful demeanor in which the individual connects or seeks to connect with some otherworldly entity or hidden revelation, or does so simply to feel at peace and whole with the world and one’s self. The Germanic heathen religion/tradition/worldview on the other hand, like most indigenous folk worldviews, was a world accepting tradition and closely tied to the very land and culture where it was practiced and could not easily be separated from it. Within these traditions, any responsible action taken within the moral constraints of one’s community is considered ‘spiritual’ activity. Maintenance of spiritual fulfillment in this sort of world accepting system, is achieved by maintaining one’s standing within a described community through adhesion to a prescribed set of social principles which that community has defined. Generally one does not seek otherworldly satisfaction in the spiritual sense mentioned above, but seeks to broaden his base and standing in his community by expanding on his skills, responsibilities, and reputation. Interactions with the “otherworldly” forces that are the gods are intended to directly influence this world in numinous forms such as luck. They are not intended to further ones “otherworldly” standing.
"Reconstructionism in Modern Heathenry: An Introduction" by Joshua Rood
Óðrœrir Heathen Journal, issue 1)
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The Wild Hunt:
I do have to admit that hearing lines like “the gods will offer you chances” and “the gods wait to delight in you” did produce a certain thrill, even if it was in the service of selling jeans.