I'd like you to think back to college, if you've been there, and consider these questions: How many times did you see a flyer or e-mail announcement about some talk or extracurricular seminar that sounded nifty, and then miss it because you just didn't feel like putting on shoes and walking over to the auditorium? And how many times did you see a flyer or e-mail announcement about some talk or extracurricular seminar that sounded nifty and also promised free pizza, and end up putting on your damn shoes and tromping across campus because dude, free pizza?

Because everybody likes pizza. And even if you knew you'd probably be glad that you went anyway, even if the topic of discussion was something you were interested in and the effort would almost certainly pay off... if there's pizza, then you know for sure that if you don't end up enjoying yourself, then at least you still get pizza.


And yeah, some of them aren't that great. Some of them even have shitty pizza. But hey, you know, it's free. If you don't like it, leave.

@темы: ссылки, цитаты, околофэндомное