# We're not here for your inspiration

"The only disability in life is a bad attitude". Really? Sounds like victim blaming to me.

Let me be clear about the intent of this inspiration porn; it's there so that non-disabled people can put their worries into perspective. So they can go, "Oh well if that kid who doesn't have any legs can smile while he's having an awesome time, I should never, EVER feel bad about my life". It's there so that non-disabled people can look at us and think "well, it could be worse... I could be that person".

In this way, these modified images exceptionalise and objectify those of us they claim to represent. It's no coincidence that these genuinely adorable disabled kids in these images are never named: it doesn't matter what their names are, they're just there as objects of inspiration.

# Dani Shay из Glee Project поет "Girl or Boy" и говорит о реакции на свою гендерную репрезентацию.

(Примерно в том ключе, в каком я стараюсь донести некоторые детали своей гендерквирности. А именно: такая идентичность помогает заставить собеседника думать. А не включать шаблоны: женщина - дарим цветы и мягкие игрушки (взрослой женщине!!!111расрас). Женщина - значит в сексе нравится вот это. Похуй, что именно данная конкретная женщина вам говорит. Вам же виднее.)

# What does it mean to be an ally?

I’d tell that story more jovially if I never saw his eyes. This isn’t me bragging about this one time I was in New York and some guy stopped all he was doing to hit on me. What’s important here is the life-or-death fear that settled into his face, a fear I had never seen up to that point and hope that no one ever has to experience again.

# Why I don't believe in femme deficit

So what I’m seeing from where I’m standing is a huge demographic of women who are really turned on by male submission, but who, in Bitchy Jones’ phrase, “aren’t comfortable in femdom.” That’s a pretty serious disconnect. Now, there are plenty of reasons why someone might feel excluded from the BDSM “scene”, but I think we need to add this to the list. There are a ton of women who are sexually dominant but who don’t want to present that way in the kink community. And why should they? As long as we reductively imagine toppy ladies as having to fit a weird, male-fantasy-driven mold, we’re telling 95% of toppy ladies that they’re not welcome.

# Thinking over "over-thinking"

"You're over-thinking things" can ultimately be translated into "Stop being different from me. Or if you won't, at least stop bothering me with the fact that you exist." It's deeply disrespectful, and I'd be only too glad to see it end.

# Campaigners on sexual violence accuse Olympic organisers of ignoring issue

They say Locog has reneged on promise to help victims of sexual abuse that always rises during major sporting events

@темы: ссылки, гендер, privilege, lgbtiq, цитаты, околофэндомное, личное, гендерквирность