# I AM the ‘bad bisexual’.(I AM the ‘sexually agressive slut’.I AM the ‘Swinging, poly, non-monogamous whore’ I AM NOT the reason for biphobia I AM NOT who you shove under the carpet while you desperately beg for monosexual approval I AM still valid I AM still worthy of respect and care I AM a person Respectability politics hurt people. Stop it.)
# комикс "I'm not your teachable moment. It is not my job to educate you <...> I'm just trying to get home"
# пост nice guy(c) и исправленная версия поста
# ответ на вопрос Why don't you like cis people?
# Topping from the bottom
# "Genderqueer" is not an essentialist concept, thank you very much
# комикс "I'm not your teachable moment. It is not my job to educate you <...> I'm just trying to get home"
# пост nice guy(c) и исправленная версия поста
# ответ на вопрос Why don't you like cis people?
# Topping from the bottom
# "Genderqueer" is not an essentialist concept, thank you very much
В Topping from the bottom есть над чем подумать.
Остальное завра. ))
Спасибо за линкспам!